OneAtlas® Platform
Connecting Images from Space to Decisions on Earth
You have to move quickly, and it’s expensive to be wrong. What could YOUR organization do with access to high-tech information gathering tools made easy to
use and financially accessible?
Airbus provides access to a constellation of satellites capturing images of cities, airports, roads, farms, ships at sea and much more. They see what you
With high-quality optics in all of Airbus’ satellites, the images are accurate and consistent. To make these images more accessible and provide additional information tools, Airbus has created OneAtlas.
Through OneAtlas, users have access to a comprehensive library of premium Earth images as well as the world’s only seamless, homogenous digital elevation dataset.
High-quality images from space are useful for many applications but they are not enough unless you know how to extract from them the insights you need to make good decisions. Whether you need to stay ahead of market trends, monitor ships at sea, or understand the impact of natural disasters, the health of crops, or whatever your
business is...
You need more than pictures;
you need insights,
which is why The OneAtlas Platform provides so much more than just imagery. Premium satellite imagery, global elevation data, industry-specific analytics and large-scale image processing can now be accessed all in one place.
OneAtlas Data is more than data access, we designed a one-stop-shop for premium imagery and value-added layers, immediately available and updated daily.
Now, you can easily test out new ideas, and quickly bring them to market. Within your organization, you can get immediate access to imagery, monitor your sites easily and on-demand to detect infrastructure change, predict where to focus on maintenance, assess competitors’ performance and much more.
OneAtlas Data is a unique place to access:
Living Library
Quick and easy access to premium Airbus imagery, in streaming and download formats.
Access recent Pléiades and SPOT images available in the cloud, updated daily.
• Fresh Premium Archive, processed in the cloud, updated daily, accessible immediately
• Subscription pricing, no minimum order size
• Streaming services & multiple download formats
• Cloud API integration Search, View, Pixel for Analytics & Download
The context you need to prepare and perform missions and locate assets, anywhere on the globe.
This worldwide layer is made from our highest-grade, curated, satellite imagery and is constantly refreshed. It seamlessly integrates into your professional-grade application and empowers users with accurate, geographical context anywhere on the globe.
Complete pole-to-pole coverage coupled with an unrivalled accuracy and quality are the defining characteristics of WorldDEM™.
OneAtlas grants global* access to WorldDEM and WorldDEM4Ortho via streaming for 3D analytics and generating value-added information.
Earth Monitor
An innovative analytics service using machine learning and artificial intelligence to detect changes in infrastructure, land-use, and economic activities directly from space.
In your Areas of Interest (AOIs), monitor object and land-use change over time, including new roads, buildings and vehicle counts (i.e. cars, trucks, military vehicles and commercial airplanes).
Use a simple and powerful interface to create and manage your projects with the capability to customize analysis and define period and measurement frequencies. Leverage immediate access to advanced statistical analysis, trends, and detection maps, based on Airbus’ archive imagery and tasking capabilities.
Precision agriculture leaders can now build their farming services in no time.
Airbus’ brand new API delivers incomparable crop analytics. Get rid of the burden attached to satellite imagery, boost your portal andexpand your market footprint in no time with quantitative, easy-to-use vegetation maps, perfectly clipped to the field and accurately de-clouded.
Shipping companies, insurers, brokers, security companies, governments, etc.
can locate, identify and track ships and other assets at sea.
A self-tasking web-based service which uses a combination of radar and optical sensors.
This 24/7 service combines freshly acquired satellite imagery with additional information sources including AIS (Automatic Identification System) and open source data to deliver object-centric (ships, icebergs, oil slick) or area-centric (objects in a given area) detection and identification reports.
Ocean Finder saves times, saves money and improves safety for maritime assets.
From Data to valuable intelligence for key decision making
A solution to help Defence and Security customers to be more efficient in their work, automatically processing huge amounts of data from all sources. Not only can this solution enable users to aggregate information from imagery, open sources, signals, cyber or human intelligence, but it can also integrate your own data and analytics.
Massive Intelligence empowers analysts and allows them to focus on critical tasks. Based on a flexible cloud architecture, it automatically correlates and fuses information, while using analytics based on advanced technologies such as machine learning and semantic analysis.
It will increase confidence in the information for decision making and contributes to better threat anticipation.
Companies committed to decrease deforestation can now monitor their impact with unprecendented accuracy.
Many companies producing, transforming or consuming agricultural commodities are making efforts to reduce their footprint in terms of deforestation. The challenge they face is to independently verify the results of their efforts.
Conventional certification is limited: the standards do not always match the challenges of the sector and the usual methods of expertise are based on field inspection. The output provides neither the completeness nor the responsiveness required. Starling’s ambition is to tackle this problem.
PF Neo Cloud
The ultimate geodata processing solution in the cloud
Imagery production always requires more accuracy, consistency and a shorter delivery time.
PF Neo Cloud provides a powerful software service able to process many different optical sources for the production of 2D Imagery and 3D models.
That’s OneAtlas – connecting images from space to decisions here on Earth. Turning pictures into insights into action.
With the speed and flexibility of the cloud, The OneAtlas Platform can, on your command, sift through every pixel across thousands of square kilometers of satellite images and highlight what’s different from last month to today.
It can scour an entire ocean looking for one missing ship. It can report the biophysical health of vegetation via infrared analysis, or it can be applied to any one of dozens of other applications relevant to your industry.
View industry-specific analytics directly on The OneAtlas Platform or integrate the data via APIs into your systems to combine it with other sources of intelligence.
And because it’s in the cloud, you can get data any way you want — download or streaming.
This insight ecosystem is growing rapidly. World renowned analytics companies and partner satellite providers are signing up to make their data and analytics available to you via OneAtlas.
With The OneAtlas Platform you can truly get everything you need in one place.
Discover what The OneAtlas Platform can do for you. Sign up for a free trial account and prepare to have fun and be amazed! We look forward to serving you.